
It is what it is, we are here to stay.

   In the year 2024, I find myself reflecting on the enduring misconception held by many people who identify as heterosexual that homosexuality is nothing more than a sexual desire. It pains me to see how some have convinced themselves that those who are homosexual are incapable of anything beyond their orientation. Despite knowing that homosexuality has existed long before the time of Jesus, there are still those who view it as a mere choice that can be switched on or off at will. It is important to remember that homosexuality is not a new phenomenon nor is it something that can be eradicated or changed at will.  Throughout my own journey, I have witnessed the struggles faced by individuals who identify as homosexual, including the need to hide their true self and endure the hatred and discrimination of society. It breaks my heart to think of the centuries of denial and secrecy that have been forced upon those who simply wanted to be true to themselves.  Homosexuality did not start wi

In The Silence of Night.

  In the stillness of midnight's embrace, Under moonlit skies, miles apart. Missing you, my love, beyond measure, Longing for us to be together. Each moment lingers, time stands still, yearning, Hoping for love so true. In the quiet of night, I silently plea, Hoping you feel the same for me.

Little Habits.

  At some point in my life I have faced and struggled with serious addictions, some I have successfully overcome, all the while with other addictions I still face the struggle. As I write this, I will be preaching to myself as well, life is a journey we learn as we move. Many addictions start off as a harmless boost of dopamine just a little habit that will help for a temporary satisfaction, giving a false sense of overcoming fears and you convince yourself you are in control of the situation. Drug addictions cause changes to the circuitry of the brain in ways that make it difficult to regulate through deliberative efforts the allure of a chemical rush of reward. It is easy for addictions to become complex and destructive just as it is easy to fall into its trap, and it as a slippery ground trying to get out. It can be unbeknown to the individual struggling with an addiction the impact on those around them but It has to take the individual to recognise and accept that the kind of addic

We are only human.

Over this past weekend I read on one of the social media platforms about a man who died by suicide and he did it on a live broadcast. Now, there has been a frenzy on the social media with different views been expressed, some showing sympathy while others expressing their opposite feelings. Understanding the intricate differences among individuals is a fascinating yet complex journey that unveils the diverse tapestry of who are as humans. People come from various backgrounds, possess unique experiences, and harbour distinct preferences that shape their personalities and choices. Our divergent upbringings, cultural influences, and genetic predispositions all play crucial roles in shaping our beliefs, values, and decisions. It is through this mosaic of differences that we gain insight into the rich complexity of human nature and behaviour. As we navigate the labyrinth of human relationships, we often encounter situations where those closest to us - the ones we love the most - have the pow

My 30th Blog.

Hello 30! Lets keep it going. It's not really a milestone to rave on about as I have written on so many other issues and topics that remain unpublished or worse may easily get deleted. I do enjoy writing my thoughts down on everyday events and life issues and I think I will always be old school where I start my drafts with paper and pen rather than letting my fingers run all over the keyboard, again my keyboard skills are not too shabby I guess starting out on a typewriter back in the day has helped me a lot to some point. There are stories and events I've written about (not published) that I feel I get a little too emotional where I have expressed strong views that even surprise myself, the bias clearly shows in these stories I would have written and so sometimes I just take step back and let all go. I think in the coming weeks I am going to enjoy my blog page, It is going to be an interesting going forward as I have taken up a dare to publish more of what I write.  So its tim

All Change.

Nothing stays the same forever and with time all things change, for the good or for the bad it all depends on the decisions we make with each passing minute. The entry into the year 2000 to many may seem like it all happened just a few weeks ago, to those who had babies born to them at that time, some of those babies have now turned most parents into grandparents. Time, moments, and memories are elements that make up a great part of our lives. The beauty of life is living in the current moment doing right now what we feel is right and good for our very own growth and sustainability, we must savour the moments and treasure the memories along the way. The past is left to memories, some we will never forget, some easily forgotten, and some memories have left scars reminding us where we come from and that the journey we are traveling has many ups and downs and many events we can not predict. Life goes on. A journey of self-growth depends on what kind of change we want to see in our lives.

A Journey of Continuous Learning in an ever Changing World.

I am reminded of my primary school days, after the school holiday breaks we would be required to write up compositions about what we did during the school break. Those who were fortunate enough to have been travelled out of the city or even the country, wrote fantastic stories while others, even though they wrote fictional stories still managed to use their imagination and write good stories.  I always struggled to complete one paragraph, I found it difficult to transform my thoughts onto paper, as hard as I tried it was clear writing stories was not one of my strengths. Over the course of my school days, I had a dream of becoming an author. Verbally I could tell good stories and I had a wild imagination, but the challenge of getting these words from my head on to paper seemed difficult.  I enjoyed the school library and spent a lot of time exchanging books to read, I loved that feeling of being immersed into other worlds as different authors told their stories with such amazing brilli