When Corona visits so close to home.
World over we have been bombarded with the news of the novel coronavirus disease known as the covid19. An infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus spread from person to person. Covid-19 symptoms can range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness. The virus has sparked global anxiety and concern and has plunged the world into a pandemic and should you be reading this right now and are in good health, consider yourself blessed by God. Please do your best to keep it so. I have noticed that unlike any other virus we have come to know, this COVID-19 from time of infection can in a short period of time easily cause death regardless of health status. We must not live in fear, but it is paramount that for now, our survival depends on following set guidelines from renowned scientists and the World Health Organization (W.H.O) to keep extra hygiene, maintain social distancing, and avoid personal contact as best we can, also when in public spaces to wear a face mask