Read the instructions.


This is more of reminder to self that when in doubt read the instructions.
Sometimes things look straight forward and easy to do, just flip the lid and the container will open. Well, not in all cases. The other day I needed to do the laundry and I had a new box of the soap capsules I had to open, it looked like an easy to open container so I just began to wrestle with the lid and with that I broke the flaps of the lid obviously, I didn’t read the simple instructions on how to open the box.

Another self-reminder is to not forget the lesions life tries to teach us through our mistakes. A few days later, I got a replacement phone, thinking the operating systems are all the same as on many phones, I went headstrong with the new phone as I unwrapped it and began using it as if I knew all about its functions.

Again, in no time I had to look for instructions how to find certain applications again I needed to refer to the instructions.

On my return to Zimbabwe from my surprise rendezvous with my partner, amazing experiences, better than great company, good food, it was fantastic! Ok, this is not about the Cape Town visit, that’ll be another blog with a Parental Guidance tag.

Back on home ground I now had to get back onto the local cellular network, in my absence the network made a few changes to on how to purchase either voice or internet bundles and there are other new items they added to the setup. Thinking I know it all I quickly purchased the required bundles I thought where the necessary selections I need to get me through alas, with the last resource I had, I purchased the bundles that would serve no good to me.

All this in a space of 2 weeks and I hope I’ve learned on how to get started with many things,
Read the instructions.

Pause, breathe, take time to understand. These are the words I need to constantly remind myself day after day.

My sweet love, Akin blessed me with a book written by Steven Furtick, ‘Do the New You’.
It has been a perfectly timed gift as what I am reading in this book has so far been enlightening and a feeling of building something new in me that I am yet to realise.


  1. I guess it is easier to read the destructions, once that is done, the instructions become too much an afterthought to matter anymore.


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